Saturday, May 23, 2020
Our Greatest Influence Come from Our Family Systems Essay
Getting through life from conception to, the western idea of adulthood, takes many directions for every person. The impact of family, friends, everyday people and the stimuli of the various environments you were exposed to all have aided in your maturation. How do you think you turned out after being in your various environments? How did those environmental influences affect how you now behave? These influences are said to start at a young age, the age were, â€Å"preschoolers’ awareness of their ethnic or racial identity develops slowly and is subtly influenced by the attitudes of the people, schools, and other cultural institutions with which they come into contact in their community†(Feldman, 2014). Perhaps the greatest influences come†¦show more content†¦Until that balance is return the family is in a state of disruption or conflict (Hinson, viewed by this writer, 2014). The reaction to bring back balance is a sort of survival response to the adverse s timuli that has entered the family environment. Maintaining this system of balance within a home can be viewed as good or bad depending upon personal or societal perspectives. What system one family uses as discipline to maintain order within their home could be viewed by those outside of that home either as unhealthy or healthy based upon upbringing. For instance, parents that spank their children to bring balance within their home may be viewed as being abusive by those who use methods that are not physical to maintain balance within their homes. Keep in mind that, â€Å"the style of parenting that is most successful may depend quite heavily on†¦ what parents in a particular culture are taught regarding appropriate childrearing practices†(Feldman, 2014). Of course, there are systems that are detrimental to the health one’s development. Generally, family systems that are viewed as healthy â€Å"are loving and emotionally supportive and encourage independence (Feldman, 2014). Conversely, homes that unlove, unsupportive, abusive, punitive and controlling or overly permissive are viewed as unhealthy. The term generally used for this type of home is called dysfunctional. â€Å"A dysfunctional family is a family in which conflict,Show MoreRelatedOur Belief Systems And Values966 Words  | 4 Pagesof mysteries. From childhood, people became curious of things that surround them. Humans experience pain and pleasure through the senses. However the environment plays a major cause of everyone’s behaviors. When people grow older, they become curious. They start asking questions such as; where did we come from and why we are here? To help us understand these questions better, we should first find who we are. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks - 2057 Words
The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, now referred to as 9/11, were a series of coordinated, well-planned suicide attacks that involved the use of hijacked passenger jets as a means of destruction . The suicide bombers used the passenger jets as bombs, and ran into the World Trade Center Towers of New York, the Pentagon, and a fourth plane that did not make it to its destination, hit the ground in Pennsylvania. These sudden attacks came as a shock to the people and government of the USA. The attacks affected not only the United States, but the entire world felt the aftershock of the event. It specifically affected the United States economy and sent it on a downward spiral. It had a huge impact on people emotionally. The most†¦show more content†¦265 people died on the hijacked planes, 2650 people died from inside the World Trade Centers, 343 firefighters died while trying to save others, and 125 people died at the Pentagon. Days after the twin towers had collapsed people were still searching for the miracle of hope, that they would once again find their loved ones alive. Amidst all the panic, it was hard for people to step back and realize that there was a very slim chance that they would find the person they were looking for. The after-effects of the tragedy involved searching for bodies amongst the rubble of what was left of the World Trade Center Towers and of the Pentagon. As people witnessed the first and second planes fly into the trade centers, they saw the buildings shatter to pieces, and watched as people desperate to escape from the peril jumped out into the streets below. It was hard to put all of these images behind them. These images affect the way the human mind functions. Humans are a unique species, one that feels sorrow, pain, and loss. The psychological effects of such trauma will affect people for the rest of their lives. The effects of 9/11 did lots of damage as it tore the country apart over racism, but it also brought the people of the United States together. Almost all Americans felt prouder than ever about the country they lived in. Surveys showcased that patriotic feelings were higher than ever before among all ethnic groups. People from all over America came down to New York andShow MoreRelatedAfter The Terrorist Attacks On September 11, 2001, The1876 Words  | 8 PagesAfter the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the United States has engaged in the global war against terrorism. One of the ways that the United States has engaged in this war is through drone strikes. Drones, otherwise less commonly known as UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or RPAs (Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems) are the subject of debate all around the globe. They were pioneered by former president George W. Bush and became more popular by the use of former president Barack Obama. Drone strikesRead MoreThe September 1 1, 2001 Terrorist Attacks on America: The Division of Nations and Views1672 Words  | 7 PagesThe September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on America divided two nations, yet knit one closer like the attacks on Pearl Harbor. There were many events that lead up to 9/11 that were only the beginning. The attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001 was the finale. George Bush wrote in his diary, â€Å"The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century happened today†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (George Bush). This attack was a surprise, just like Pearl Harbor, but the U.S. reacted swiftly and effectively. The appalling events Now, more than aRead MoreSeptember 11, 2001, is a date that will forever be remembered not because of the terrorists that1400 Words  | 6 PagesSeptember 11, 2001, is a date that will forever be remembered not because of the terrorists that attacked America, but for the patriots who sacrificed their lives to save hundreds of innocent people. 9/11 is an attack by Islamic hijackers. The main strike is on the World Trade Centers. There were four planes included in the invasions. They included: Flight 93, Flight 11, Flight 175, and Flight 77. After the raids America had some plans and new thoughts. During the attacks, the motives that the terroristsRead MoreThe Tragedy That Was 9/111677 Words  | 7 Pageseconomical distress, the attacks on the World Trade Centers on September 11, 2001 opened the eyes of Americans to the threat of terrorism. As the world watched, three planes were flown into each of the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon. The unexpected attack stunned americans everywhere and sent them into a feeling of confusion and want for those responsible to be punished. After investigation, it was discovered that those responsible were members of the terrorist organization al-Qaeda ledRead MoreEffects of 9/11 on American Economy Essay625 Words  | 3 PagesThe September 11 attacks were set of four terrorist attacks controlled by al-Qaeda, an Islamic terrorist group. On September 11, 2001, four aircrafts were hijacked by the terrorists; two of the planes hit Twin towers in New York, third hit the Pentagon and the fourth one crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania (â€Å"9/11 Attacks†). The September 11 attacks had several long-term negative effects that include Social effects, Psychological effects, Physical health effects, Economic effects andRead MoreGeorge W1136 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿George W. Bush September 20, 2011 Address to Congress On September 11, 2001 the American nation was shaken with news of a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Fear and panic commandeered the spirits of American citizens as they awaited to hear if their loved one had perished, if another attack had been planned for somewhere else in the United States, and how their nation would rise from the ashes to face another tomorrow. Not only had their nation been attacked, butRead MoreThe Attack On The World Trade Center1455 Words  | 6 PagesOn September 11, 2001 there was a major occurrence that changed New York City. It all started with four hijacked planes that took off at 8:45am on a Tuesday morning. As those planes took off, and were hijacked, they took down a major economic building, The World Trade Center. The Twin Towers were the key success to The World Trade Center complex, the North Tower stood at 1,268 feet and The South Tower stood at 1,362 feet high. The tallest buildings in New York City held 35, 000 people each, alongRead MoreThe Attack On September 111349 Words  | 6 PagesThe attack on September 11, 2001 is defined as a group of Islamic terrorist who are believed to be members of the al-Qaeda, attacking the Pentagon and the World Trade Center, also known as the Twin Towers, by hijacking four commercial airlines. Only three of the four attacks succeed. This is considered a terrorist attack to most of us. From this incident we can define terrorism as a well-planned violent attack that targets innocent people to send a political message by planting fear not just to theRead MoreWhat Happened in September 11th, 2001 Essay889 Words  | 4 Pages September 11th, 2001 What happened on September 11th, 2001? A day that will be remembered and never forgotten, a day that many innocent people died because of a terrible tragedy that happened on September 11th, 2001 at the World Trade Center in New York City. To many people it probably just looked like another regular work day, but didn’t expect the worst that day. On September 11, 2001, nearly 3,000 people were killed in the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center in New York City (†11Read MoreTerrorist Attacks on 9/11 Part 1 Essay1175 Words  | 5 PagesTerrorist Attacks on 9/11 Case Study The attacks of 9/11 changed the way that the world, and especially the United States, views and reacts to terrorism. The four coordinated attacks were thought out and launched by an Islamic terrorist group known as al-Qaeda. These attacks killed almost 3,000 people and caused close to 10 billion dollars in damages. The casualties and costs are considerably high if the fight against terrorism and those that have fought in the war on terrorism are taken into
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Unhealthy America Free Essays
American is supposed to be the strongest nation in the world however we have managed to grasp the largest and most unhealthy nation trophy along with it. Americans care more about how quickly they can grab a meal rather than what that meals consists of and how bad the food is for the body. Americans are becoming increasingly unhealthy with every meal they consume. We will write a custom essay sample on Unhealthy America or any similar topic only for you Order Now My aunt went on a trip to Greece recently where she says the food was exquisite and utterly delicious. While she was crashing a Greek wedding she got to experience some of the traditional food. She said the meats were fall off the bone tender with more explosive tastes than her taste buds could handle. She said the salad was a rainbow of green lettuce with mixed with reds of all colors for tomatoes. She produced a tiny bottle that once was full of homemade Greek salad dressing that the mother of the bride had made especially for her daughter’s perfect day. She recalled how immaculate the food was saying specifically she had never seen such amazing foods in America and wished she could bring the cooks back with her. She later told me that when she got back to the states, she realized just how bad she ate before she went on her trip and she sees more clearly now just how unhealthy Americans really are. Her story prompted me to step back and look closer at how we as a nation choses what we are eating. I took my son to the grocery store to get food for the next couple weeks. I made all of his food myself instead of buying processed baby food because I know it is much healthier for him and it makes me think about what I eat. While we were in the fruits and vegetables isle, I noticed we were one of three people shopping in this area while the rest of the market place was packed with people. With the previous conversation stuck in my head, I decided to look around at what others were purchasing around me. I spotted a woman with a shopping cart mounding over with food. The looks of her cart reminded me of a contest I watched on TV where the mom got 5 minutes to get as much stuff as she could and by the end of her 5 minutes her cart was overflowing with stuff. As I watch her carefully choose what she was placing in her cart I realized we were in the frozen foods section. She was staring at a glass door intensely. Behind that glass door sat probably 20 different variations of ice cream. While this stranger and her overweight daughter discussed the options together, I watched her pick up two different one gallon containers of ice cream. One container had chocolate swirls throughout the off white vanilla ice cream and the other had the same chocolate swirls accompanied by pink strawberry swirls. I could hear her daughter asking for one kind and her mother saying she wanted the other kind. So instead of having to choose between the two different gallons of ice cream, she placed both containers in her already overflowing cart. I could sense both of their insulin levels increasing as they began to walk away with their prized frozen treats. While I was standing in the isle with this mother-daughter duo, I was able to get a good look at what they had stuffed in to their cart. I saw several blue boxes of Mac-N-Cheese paired with packages of processed animal intestines otherwise known as hotdogs. I could count six boxes of Hamburger Helper and each one a different variation but all boxes had the detail in bold of being doubly cheesy. I would think that a box of processed food that only needs to have water added to it is not the healthiest meal a mother could make for her child. I also spotted a couple 12 packs of various types of soda. I saw short green soda containers of individual bottles of Mountain Dew placed neatly on the side wall of her cart. Thinking to myself I remembered something I read saying that Mountain Dew has the most sodium per bottle than any other soda drink in the business. I came to the conclusion that my aunt was right. We as a nation are not only eating unhealthy but teaching our children to do the same as well. After leaving the grocery store with our fruit and veggies in hand, I decide to stop at fast food restaurant to grab a salad for lunch. While in line the person ahead of me places his order. The young lady taking his order is a very short woman with a very wide stance. As he gives his order I recount the experience that I had just had, watching this stranger and her daughter purchase mass quantities of food that were processed and extremely unhealthy. The gentleman tells the cashier he would like a Quarter Pounder with cheese. He asks for an extra slice of cheese, extra pickles and no lettuce or tomato. While the young lady quickly punches thing in to her computer screen to detail the order to his specific wants, he also adds that he would like to supersize his meal and requests a fresh batch of French fries. In my head, still reeling from my conversation with my aunt, I thought about how much grease this man is going to eat in just his lunch sitting. The woman waddled over to the fryers that were full of what looked like grease that had not been changed in a week, pulled out a new bag of frozen French fries, filled the container full of them and slid them in to the hot, boiling grease to cook. With his order being made, I couldn’t help but to think of all of the calories in his meal that he was getting ready to devour. He stepped aside waiting on his food and I placed my order for a grilled salmon salad with no dressing. I quickly realized our two orders couldn’t be more on the opposite sides of the nutrition chart as his meal was nothing but fat and grease and mine containing lettuce, fish, cheese and tomatoes. Another stranger opting to eat absolutely nothing good for them. As I sit down to enjoy my salad I look around and see the meals of others in the restaurant. I take out a package of already cut up bite size pieces of peaches for my son to each since he is only 7 months old. Trying to be inconspicuous, I look at the table next to me. A mother and her two young children are sitting, enjoying their lunches. The mother had a cheeseburger with so much ketchup running out of the sides you would think there was more ketchup that meat. Her youngest son had a 10 piece chicken nugget meal. The nuggets were obviously fried but the meat inside was a strange color of grey leading me to believe it was imitation meat. The little boy devoured each nugget only after carefully dipping each one of the nuggets in to a tub of barbeque sauce, making sure to lather each inch of the nugget to his desired amount. The oldest boy had the same fried, strangely grey food but was dipping his nuggets in to ketchup. In my head I couldn’t help but to sum up their lunch as to being fried fat and fried imitation meat, all lathered in a sodium filled dipping sauce. I quickly finished my meal and headed for the door. I had set my mind that I would not be like that mother, teaching her sons that eating unhealthy was acceptable. As I started putting away my groceries, I also started riding my cupboards and refrigerator from anything processed. It was clear to me that the word unhealthy was quickly becoming our nation’s primary adjective. As I reflect on my conversation with my aunt and the experiences I had with the unknowing strangers I watched purposely chose fatty, processed, fried and ultimately the most unhealthy foods possible, I realized obesity is not just a term used to define a plus size individual but a growing epidemic that is quickly spreading across our great nation. Unhealthy Americans are more prominent in society today and the growing trend does not look to be slowing down any time soon. How to cite Unhealthy America, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Sophocles, Plato, Marcus Aurelius Andraeus Capellanus free essay sample
Discusses major works as expressions of the authors struggles to create a better society in times of social decline. This paper considers the hypothesis that Sophocles, Plato, Marcus Aurelius, and Andraeus Capellanus were all individuals struggling to live in times that they believed were regrettable departures from a more secure and desirable past, and that their writing was both an attempt at personal consolation and an effort to influence the society in which they lived. The primary works to be considered in dealing with this hypothesis are Sophocles? Oedipus cycle, the Platonic dialogues that are usually grouped as the last days of Socrates, the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, and Capellanus? The Art of Courtly Love. As a first pass, one might propose that the hypothesis seems to be true for all the authors except Sophocles. Platos dislike of Athenian democracy, which had executed his beloved teacher, Socrates, is well-known. His two longest works, the Republic and the. We will write a custom essay sample on Sophocles, Plato, Marcus Aurelius Andraeus Capellanus or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page .
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