Monday, January 27, 2020
Analysis Of Engineering Students Problems In Speaking English Language Essay
Analysis Of Engineering Students Problems In Speaking English Language Essay The objective of the study was to investigate the English language problems in terms of speaking and writing skills of engineering students at a technical university in Malaysia based on the perceptions of students and English language lecturers. The study was conducted within the framework of needs analysis as part of the larger curriculum review exercise in the effort to redesign English language courses that meet the needs of the stakeholders. A 15-item questionnaire was formulated and distributed to 612 engineering students and 36 English language lecturers of the technical university. The findings of the survey indicated that there is a difference between students and lecturers perceptions of students problems in speaking and writing. Based on the findings of the study relevant recommendations were made to assist in the decision making process of the curriculum review exercise. KEYWORDS Language problems, Speaking, Writing, Curriculum review, English for Specific Purposes, Needs analysis INTRODUCTION One of the recommendations mentioned consistently in research projects commissioned by the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education is the need for a comprehensive review of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) programmes of Malaysian universities (Morshidi et al., 2008; Isarji et al., 2008). The recommendation is in direct response to the nations concern for the declining standard of English among Malaysian university students and graduates and the need to meet the expectations of the stakeholders. The research project reported that based on scores in the English Proficiency Test (EPT) and perceptions of business leaders, government officials and academic staff, Malaysian university students, in general, were considered limited users of English in the productive skills; namely, writing and speaking (Isarji et al., 2008). The literature on ESP, college graduates, and employability reveals a list of problems faced by university students in terms of writing and speaking such as writing reports, memos, proposals, formal letters, instructions, manuals, summaries, technical jargons, and using grammatically correct sentences, participating in discussions, communicating with people, telephone conversations, everyday conversation, oral presentation, and negotiations (Horowitz, 1986; Basturkmen and Al-Huneidi, 1996; Ferris and Tagg, 1996; Hyland, 1997; Sullivan and Girginer, 2002; Abdul Aziz, 2004; Siti Hanim and Ismie Roha, 2005; Isarji et al., 2008); and Ostler et al., 2008). This study was conducted within the framework of needs assessment as part of the larger curriculum review exercise in the effort to redesign English language courses, especially in terms of speaking and writing skills of engineering students that meet the needs of the stakeholders. The research questions were as follows: 1. What are the problems of engineering students in writing and speaking? 2. What are the problems of engineering students in writing and speaking from the lecturers point of view? 3. Is there a difference between the perceptions of students and lecturers? METHODOLOGY This study utilized a survey based on a four-point Likert scale. The items in the survey were developed based on sub-skills in the productive skills. Six items were included in the survey in order to capture the perceptions of students writing sub-skills while ten items were to capture the perceptions of students speaking sub-skills. The survey was distributed to engineering students and English language lecturers of a technical university in Malaysia. A total of 612 students and 36 English language lecturers responded to the survey. Responses to the survey were subjected to descriptive analysis using the SPSS software version 12. In the analysis, the responses based on Agree and Strongly Agree categories were combined in order to capture the agreement to each statement. FINDINGS The findings are presented based on the three research questions. A summary of the findings based on students and lecturers performance are reported separately for both skills (speaking and writing skills). The summary of results is based on percentages of responses according to agreement to the statements in the questionnaires. The first research question is as follows: RQ1: What are the problems of engineering students in writing and speaking? According to Figure 1, on the average, more than half of the students reported that they had difficulties in writing. The most problematic writing sub-skill was writing grammatically correct sentences (71%), followed by choosing suitable words (66%), as well as developing and organizing their writing (56.5%). The writing sub-skill with the least problem as reported by the students was linking sentences in a paragraph (46.8%), followed by spelling correctly (47.7%), and combining paragraphs in an essay (47.7%). Figure 1: Engineering students perceptions of their problems in writing Figure 2: Engineering students perceptions of their problems in speaking In terms of engineering students perceptions of their problems in speaking, the data tabulated in Figure 2 shows that they had problems using grammatically correct language (73.3%), speaking fluently (72%), using varied vocabulary and expressions (67.8%) as well as speaking confidently in English (60.5%). The students, on the other hand, perceived to have fewer problems with participating in discussion (44.3%). communicating with people (44.6%), making suggestions and supporting their views (49.5), and speaking clearly and loudly (49.8%). The second research question asked, RQ2: What are the problems of engineering students in writing and speaking from the lecturers point of view? Figure 3: Lecturers perceptions of engineering students problems in writing Figure 4: Lecturers perceptions of engineering students problems in speaking The lecturers reported that the students had problems with all the sub-skills of speaking (Figure 3). The biggest problem was choosing suitable words (94.5%), followed by writing grammatically correct sentences (94.4%), and combining paragraphs in an essay (80.6%). As far as speaking is concerned, the lecturers reported that the students had problems with all speaking sub-skills (Figure 4). The top three problems reported were using grammatically correct language (94.4%), using varied vocabulary and expressions (91.6%) and speaking fluently (86.1%). The third research question is as follows: RQ3: Is there a difference between the perceptions of students and lecturers? The independent sample t-test conducted indicates that there is a significant difference (p≠¤0.05) between the perceptions of students and lecturers of students problems in writing and speaking in all the items (see Appendix 1). This shows that overall, the way the students perceive their problems in writing and speaking differ from the way their English language lecturers perceive the students problems. The results also show that the mean of the lecturers ratings on all the items were consistently higher than of the students ratings of their own speaking and writing problems. In a separate analysis, on the average, 56.2% of the students perceived writing as a problem as compared to the views of the lecturers on the same issue, which is 82.4%. Similarly, 58% of the students perceived speaking as a problem in contrast to the views of the lecturers, which is 80.2%. DISCUSSIONS This study is a small component of a larger curriculum review exercise. The findings of the study, in general, suggest that both students and English language lecturers were in agreement that the students had: problems in writing and speaking; specific writing problems in choosing suitable words and writing grammatically correct sentences; and specific speaking problems in using grammatically correct language, using varied vocabulary and expressions, and speaking fluently. Not only that both lecturers and students concurred that students had problems in writing and speaking, there is a significant difference between how students and lecturers perceived students problems. The lecturers tended to be more critical of the students problems in writing and speaking than the students themselves. One may not be far fetch to conjecture that the reason for the perceptions to be significantly different perhaps is due to the tenacity of most English language lecturers to accentuate the importance of attaining a minimum threshold level in order to succeed in an English medium university in contrast to the lackadaisical attitude of many Malaysian students towards English. The findings of this study are consistent with the literature on the perceptions Malaysian university lecturers and students of students attitudes towards English in general (Isarji et al., 2008). The findings of the study also provide realistic recommendations pertaining to curriculum review exercise. Firstly, in addition to the teaching of listening, speaking, reading and writing, there is a need to include grammar as an important core competence of language learning. The grammar component, however, needs to be taught in context instead of in isolation not only to ensure that language learning activities relate to the real world but also to enhance students motivation. It needs to be emphasized; however, for English language teaching and learning to solely focus on grammar is to ignore the importance of communicative competence as the ultimate goal. Secondly, students need to be provided with more opportunities to be involved in activities that promote rich vocabulary acquisition. Finally, in a curriculum review exercise, it is imperative to include the opinions of the stakeholders particularly the students and teaching staff. The fact that both students and lecturers acknow ledged the same language problems, even though there is a significant difference between their perceptions make it less demanding for the programme provider to design a language programme that meets the needs of the stakeholders including the students and university. CONCLUSION Even though Malaysian university students have the benefit of at least 11 years of exposure to English language learning as a subject in a school setting, the findings of the study indicate that both students and lecturers perceived grammar and vocabulary to be problematic to students. On this account, 3 hours of exposure to English a week for 14 weeks, which is a normal duration of an English course in a university will not produce a miracle. Notwithstanding, with a proper needs analysis, the programme provider will be able to formulate appropriate learning outcomes, adapt, adopt or develop relevant materials and design suitable learning activities to ensure university students are better prepared not only to undertake rigorous credit bearing faculty courses in English but also to enter the employment world.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
A Paper Essay
A Paper Brian Nguyen Austin Community College December 4, 2012 ENGL. 1301 English Composition 1 Should people who are caught driving drunk lose their licenses for a year? I highly agree anyone who drives drunk and fails a sobriety test should lose their licenses for how much alcohol or illegal drugs the driver consumes. (Ballantyne) This should happen because 40% of accidents are caused by drunk drivers. (Ballantyne) This will make the roads safer and would teach the driver a lesson. Studies indicate that since the law has done this, 800 lives have been saved in a year. Ballantyne) With the law doing this, I agree it’s a good idea for the law to do this because it will make me feel safer when I’m driving on the roads. But especially for my parents and family don’t have to worry about me getting in an accident and getting hurt. I think if anybody suspects a drunk driver on the road, they should call the police and report their licenses plate number and location. A nd the cops will take care of the situation and keep the roads safe. Back in fall 2008, my cousin Joe Nguyen was 18 and picking up two of my other friends from a party out of town.He knew they were intoxicated and couldn’t drive, so he wanted to be safe and pick them up. The drive was around 30 miles out of town and it was 4 am in the morning, he safely picked them up and was on his way back into town. Having only 10 minutes to get into town, he was hit head on with an oncoming car. The other driver was drunk and had been swerving into the opposite lane. The impact of the hit had killed him and injured the other two will serious injury. One having serious scares and the other having brain damage. She didn’t remember what happened and couldn’t recognize who her family was.When I said anybody who fails a breath test I mean anybody. Adult drivers, teenage drivers, and under aged driver should receive the consequences. With the roads with young drivers just like me, they should know better not to drink because they are under aged. But with teens being per pressured from other people when they go to school parties, they need to think about the consequences. But now-a-days, I know for experience that a lot of young teens drink when they go to parties. Just to fit in or their friends will judge them if they don’t drink.Then that’s when they need to say no and walk away. When young teenagers see that their friends and even their family members driving drunk, they think it is okay if they do it also. Once they do it and don’t get caught, they do it again and again until one day they get caught. Officers take zero tolerance towards underage drunk drivers. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) If the under aged driver consumes only a small amount of alcohol, then the driver is fined and his or her licenses is lost for a year. On 2004, a woman named Judith Gubernikoff was at home taking care of her three sons.She helps her father at a fish market and has to go take a 25 mile drive to go wake up her father in Manhattan where he lived. (Kotb) Neville Wells, a 41 year-old man was drink at a night club. He was a big drinker and always drives home drunk. (Kotb) When he left the night club around 3 am at night, witnesses say that his driving could be compared as a blind person behind the wheel. (Kotb) He has driving a minivan that night, and had hit a parked car in a parking lot. (Kotb) Making the car fly in the air and only thing stopping the car was an iron fence. Kotb) Inside the parked car were Judith and her father where they had to be cut out of the vehicle and rushed to the hospital. (Kotb) Wells, the driver of the minivan was okay with only scratches. (Kotb) The doctors were able to save Judith’s father but could save Judith. (Kotb) The doctor said that the power of the impact of the hit had made Judith’s heart burst like water balloon being poked by a needle. (Kotb) Her husband, Geor ge Gubernikoff was doing research about Wells on his record of DWLs. (Kotb) Well’s first DWL was in 1999 and he gotten a fine. Kotb) His second DWL was in 2000 and lost his license for a year. (Kotb) The night of the accident, the report of the breath test said that his blood level was . 22. (Kotb) Which is 3 times the average legal limit and he had about 15 alcoholic drinks. (Kotb) He didn’t get a fine for this accident, he was sent to prison for 17 years for second degree murder. (Kotb) With adults being legal drivers and legal to drink, they shouldn’t be able to drink and drive at the same time. The story of Judith and Neville shows that adults like Neville, should not have a license and shouldn’t be driving period.Even if he isn’t intoxicated with alcohol, he shouldn’t have the privilege of driving. Showing that Americans around the State don’t care about driving drunk and will just do whatever they want to do. That it can lead to death and serious injuries. If you were to be stopped by a cop and arrested for DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) or DUI (Driving under the Influence), then you will have to pay a big fine of expense determined on your licenses and insurance policy. (â€Å"godui. org†) On one if my resources, this website shows people’s opinion on if you drive drunk you should lose your licenses for a year. Debate. org) 85% of the people agreed and 15% disagreed about the driving drunk. (Debate. org) Some of the 85% people say that they should do better than just take away their license for a year. (Debate. org) Some say that their license should be taken away forever. Debate. org (Debate. org) For the people who disagreed had something else to say. They say that the law are being dramatic about the situation and should not spend so much money on something that is not important. (Debate. org) I highly disagree with his comment about being dramatic and stop spending on something that is not important.I think the law is doing a good job and should spend as much money as they can to stop drunk driving. The law may be being too dramatic about this situation, but in my opinion they are just trying to keep the roads safe and making sure driving drunk is being stopped. The laws in Texas about DWI and DUI are different from other states. In other states, on their first offense they only get a fine. But in Texas, on their first DWI, their licenses are lost for a year and a fine is issued too. (T) The judge in Texas sends the driver to DUI School and has to take class depending on how bad their DWI or DUI is. T) Going to DUI School is the ticket on getting your license back and the bad thing about it is you have to pay for each class. (T) With Texas having stricter laws from each other, drivers will not able to get a fine on their first offence. (roisin) DUI School is not as easy as sitting in a class for seven hours and you can get the hours. You have to sit down with a pr ofessional counselor and answer a few questions about their drinking problems. (â€Å"dwi. com†) Depending on the drunk driver, shows how much meetings you have to attend. (â€Å"dwi. om†) It can be up to 4 meetings up to 90 meetings in 90 days, or 28-day residential treatment program, detoxification, or other medical treatment. (â€Å"dwi. com†) The cost of all the fees and bills you get when you drive drunk you have to pay. (â€Å"dwi. com†) First there is the fine you get for driving drunk. (â€Å"dwi. com†) Then you have to pay an additional insurance coverage before you get your licenses back and that can be a lot of money. (â€Å"dwi. com†) The last fine you have to pay is when the state has to re-issue your driver’s licenses.With all the fees and bills you have to pay, the cost will be higher than a regular traffic accident. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) Drivers are mostly paying for the cost of damages of the r oad, car, or medical bill of the person he or she injured in an accident. (roisin) So what will happen to the person’s vehicle if they were arrested for a DWI? Well there are a lot of things that can happen to the vehicle. First the officer has an interlock device that locks the car so if the person is trying to make a run for it. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) Then the car can ether impounded, confiscated, or sold. â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) With the information I have given you, I hope you agree that drunk drivers should lose their licenses for a year for the safety of others on the road. With innocent people dying from drunk drivers driving on the road, the law should enforce this law around the United States. Work Cited Ballantyne, Coco. â€Å"Roads safer when drunk drivers immediately lose license to kill. .†Science American. Scientific American Inc, 24 2007. Web. 6 Dec 2012. Kotb, Hoda. â€Å"The worst kind of drunk drivers. â⠂¬ NBC news. NBC News. Web. 6 Dec 2012. â€Å"should people who are caught driving drunk lose their licenses for a year?. †godui. org. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"alcohol alert. †Consequences of drunk driving. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"Debate. org. †Society Opinions. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. T, Buddy. â€Å"Alcoholism. about. com. †Penalties for Driving Drunk. Medical Review Board, 28 2012. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"Arrested dor DWI in Texas. †dwi. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 6 Dec 2012. roisin, . â€Å"yahoo. com. †drunk drivers should lose their licenses for life the first time they are caught. N. p. , n. d. Web. 7 Dec 2012. A Paper Essay A Paper Brian Nguyen Austin Community College December 4, 2012 ENGL. 1301 English Composition 1 Should people who are caught driving drunk lose their licenses for a year? I highly agree anyone who drives drunk and fails a sobriety test should lose their licenses for how much alcohol or illegal drugs the driver consumes. (Ballantyne) This should happen because 40% of accidents are caused by drunk drivers. (Ballantyne) This will make the roads safer and would teach the driver a lesson. Studies indicate that since the law has done this, 800 lives have been saved in a year. Ballantyne) With the law doing this, I agree it’s a good idea for the law to do this because it will make me feel safer when I’m driving on the roads. But especially for my parents and family don’t have to worry about me getting in an accident and getting hurt. I think if anybody suspects a drunk driver on the road, they should call the police and report their licenses plate number and location. A nd the cops will take care of the situation and keep the roads safe. Back in fall 2008, my cousin Joe Nguyen was 18 and picking up two of my other friends from a party out of town.He knew they were intoxicated and couldn’t drive, so he wanted to be safe and pick them up. The drive was around 30 miles out of town and it was 4 am in the morning, he safely picked them up and was on his way back into town. Having only 10 minutes to get into town, he was hit head on with an oncoming car. The other driver was drunk and had been swerving into the opposite lane. The impact of the hit had killed him and injured the other two will serious injury. One having serious scares and the other having brain damage. She didn’t remember what happened and couldn’t recognize who her family was.When I said anybody who fails a breath test I mean anybody. Adult drivers, teenage drivers, and under aged driver should receive the consequences. With the roads with young drivers just like me, they should know better not to drink because they are under aged. But with teens being per pressured from other people when they go to school parties, they need to think about the consequences. But now-a-days, I know for experience that a lot of young teens drink when they go to parties. Just to fit in or their friends will judge them if they don’t drink.Then that’s when they need to say no and walk away. When young teenagers see that their friends and even their family members driving drunk, they think it is okay if they do it also. Once they do it and don’t get caught, they do it again and again until one day they get caught. Officers take zero tolerance towards underage drunk drivers. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) If the under aged driver consumes only a small amount of alcohol, then the driver is fined and his or her licenses is lost for a year. On 2004, a woman named Judith Gubernikoff was at home taking care of her three sons.She helps her father at a fish market and has to go take a 25 mile drive to go wake up her father in Manhattan where he lived. (Kotb) Neville Wells, a 41 year-old man was drink at a night club. He was a big drinker and always drives home drunk. (Kotb) When he left the night club around 3 am at night, witnesses say that his driving could be compared as a blind person behind the wheel. (Kotb) He has driving a minivan that night, and had hit a parked car in a parking lot. (Kotb) Making the car fly in the air and only thing stopping the car was an iron fence. Kotb) Inside the parked car were Judith and her father where they had to be cut out of the vehicle and rushed to the hospital. (Kotb) Wells, the driver of the minivan was okay with only scratches. (Kotb) The doctors were able to save Judith’s father but could save Judith. (Kotb) The doctor said that the power of the impact of the hit had made Judith’s heart burst like water balloon being poked by a needle. (Kotb) Her husband, Geor ge Gubernikoff was doing research about Wells on his record of DWLs. (Kotb) Well’s first DWL was in 1999 and he gotten a fine. Kotb) His second DWL was in 2000 and lost his license for a year. (Kotb) The night of the accident, the report of the breath test said that his blood level was . 22. (Kotb) Which is 3 times the average legal limit and he had about 15 alcoholic drinks. (Kotb) He didn’t get a fine for this accident, he was sent to prison for 17 years for second degree murder. (Kotb) With adults being legal drivers and legal to drink, they shouldn’t be able to drink and drive at the same time. The story of Judith and Neville shows that adults like Neville, should not have a license and shouldn’t be driving period.Even if he isn’t intoxicated with alcohol, he shouldn’t have the privilege of driving. Showing that Americans around the State don’t care about driving drunk and will just do whatever they want to do. That it can lead to death and serious injuries. If you were to be stopped by a cop and arrested for DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) or DUI (Driving under the Influence), then you will have to pay a big fine of expense determined on your licenses and insurance policy. (â€Å"godui. org†) On one if my resources, this website shows people’s opinion on if you drive drunk you should lose your licenses for a year. Debate. org) 85% of the people agreed and 15% disagreed about the driving drunk. (Debate. org) Some of the 85% people say that they should do better than just take away their license for a year. (Debate. org) Some say that their license should be taken away forever. Debate. org (Debate. org) For the people who disagreed had something else to say. They say that the law are being dramatic about the situation and should not spend so much money on something that is not important. (Debate. org) I highly disagree with his comment about being dramatic and stop spending on something that is not important.I think the law is doing a good job and should spend as much money as they can to stop drunk driving. The law may be being too dramatic about this situation, but in my opinion they are just trying to keep the roads safe and making sure driving drunk is being stopped. The laws in Texas about DWI and DUI are different from other states. In other states, on their first offense they only get a fine. But in Texas, on their first DWI, their licenses are lost for a year and a fine is issued too. (T) The judge in Texas sends the driver to DUI School and has to take class depending on how bad their DWI or DUI is. T) Going to DUI School is the ticket on getting your license back and the bad thing about it is you have to pay for each class. (T) With Texas having stricter laws from each other, drivers will not able to get a fine on their first offence. (roisin) DUI School is not as easy as sitting in a class for seven hours and you can get the hours. You have to sit down with a pr ofessional counselor and answer a few questions about their drinking problems. (â€Å"dwi. com†) Depending on the drunk driver, shows how much meetings you have to attend. (â€Å"dwi. om†) It can be up to 4 meetings up to 90 meetings in 90 days, or 28-day residential treatment program, detoxification, or other medical treatment. (â€Å"dwi. com†) The cost of all the fees and bills you get when you drive drunk you have to pay. (â€Å"dwi. com†) First there is the fine you get for driving drunk. (â€Å"dwi. com†) Then you have to pay an additional insurance coverage before you get your licenses back and that can be a lot of money. (â€Å"dwi. com†) The last fine you have to pay is when the state has to re-issue your driver’s licenses.With all the fees and bills you have to pay, the cost will be higher than a regular traffic accident. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) Drivers are mostly paying for the cost of damages of the r oad, car, or medical bill of the person he or she injured in an accident. (roisin) So what will happen to the person’s vehicle if they were arrested for a DWI? Well there are a lot of things that can happen to the vehicle. First the officer has an interlock device that locks the car so if the person is trying to make a run for it. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) Then the car can ether impounded, confiscated, or sold. â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) With the information I have given you, I hope you agree that drunk drivers should lose their licenses for a year for the safety of others on the road. With innocent people dying from drunk drivers driving on the road, the law should enforce this law around the United States. Work Cited Ballantyne, Coco. â€Å"Roads safer when drunk drivers immediately lose license to kill. .†Science American. Scientific American Inc, 24 2007. Web. 6 Dec 2012. Kotb, Hoda. â€Å"The worst kind of drunk drivers. â⠂¬ NBC news. NBC News. Web. 6 Dec 2012. â€Å"should people who are caught driving drunk lose their licenses for a year?. †godui. org. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"alcohol alert. †Consequences of drunk driving. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"Debate. org. †Society Opinions. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. T, Buddy. â€Å"Alcoholism. about. com. †Penalties for Driving Drunk. Medical Review Board, 28 2012. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"Arrested dor DWI in Texas. †dwi. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 6 Dec 2012. roisin, . â€Å"yahoo. com. †drunk drivers should lose their licenses for life the first time they are caught. N. p. , n. d. Web. 7 Dec 2012.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Influence of Internet on Students Essay
The influence of internet is uniformly shared by all the age group of the society in spite of being young or old. But the school and college students under the age of 20 are more involved in INTERNET. They have become active users of social networking sites like Orkut, Facebook, and Twitter. Even though these social networking sites have restricted the use by users under the age of 18, there are currently millions of users who overcome this age group restriction and join these sites. The over use of such social networking sites make the younger generation addicted to these sites. As a result, they become less interested in School and College activities and start to lag behind in studies. They are online 24 hours which indeed cause health problems because they do not get enough sleep. They are also crazy about downloading new films of Hollywood and Bollywood which indeed causes problems for film producers as their income gets reduced. There are countless sites in internet through which we can download movies for free. Other than movies, they also download and view content which are not appropriate for their age which makes them addicted to PORN and other vulnerable stuff. They become addicted to these at such young age, which creates problem for them in future. As the activities of youth on internet are not monitored, they do not need to fear anything to misuse the contents available on internet. Also they join bad forums and get involved in hacking and stuff like that which makes the mind of the young reader enslaved to such stuff which takes a lot of effort to recover from. The new generation is enslaved to the world of internet. They destroy their youth by sitting in front of the PC all the time. They do not even trend to go out even for shopping. They do not know the joy of playing outside. In spite of going out and play, they sit at home in front of Pc or gaming consoles such as play station and play violent games which are violent in nature. It is high time that they started thinking about the problems internet is creating on students and restrict the over use of internet.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Is Feminism The Right Pill For Cure Male Domination
Talreja 1 Shikha Talreja Professor Yogesh Dubey M.A. English (previous) 13 November 2014 IS FEMINISM THE RIGHT PILL TO CURE MALE DOMINATION IN THIS MODERN WORLD? This modern world is said to be the updated version of the past eras where religion and tradition were the working forces. People with the updated mindsets are the so called survivors and those who stick with the old traditional and religious beliefs they are the sufferers. They come under the category of the outdated lot (remember Darwin’s theory survival of the fittest this theory is so appropriate to describe this modern world’s situation). Just as technology, academic knowledge, software, windows, gadgets, even our beliefs, laws everything has a modern and updated version similarly if we talk about patriarchy we can say that even patriarchy has a modern take. There was a belief that patriarchy is enforced through two major forces that were tradition and religion but as they are no more working forces patriarchy should have got vanished from the society. But as we all know this bitter fact that even now women still don’t rule themselves. Then what are those wheels through which it is still in momentum? Patriarchy leads to male domination and if we say that male domination is a disease and patriarchy the cause of it then is feminism the right pill to cure it? This is the major question for which I am going to provide the answer over here. Talreja 2 First of all I will portray the picture of this updated
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