Saturday, January 18, 2020
A Paper Essay
A Paper Brian Nguyen Austin Community College December 4, 2012 ENGL. 1301 English Composition 1 Should people who are caught driving drunk lose their licenses for a year? I highly agree anyone who drives drunk and fails a sobriety test should lose their licenses for how much alcohol or illegal drugs the driver consumes. (Ballantyne) This should happen because 40% of accidents are caused by drunk drivers. (Ballantyne) This will make the roads safer and would teach the driver a lesson. Studies indicate that since the law has done this, 800 lives have been saved in a year. Ballantyne) With the law doing this, I agree it’s a good idea for the law to do this because it will make me feel safer when I’m driving on the roads. But especially for my parents and family don’t have to worry about me getting in an accident and getting hurt. I think if anybody suspects a drunk driver on the road, they should call the police and report their licenses plate number and location. A nd the cops will take care of the situation and keep the roads safe. Back in fall 2008, my cousin Joe Nguyen was 18 and picking up two of my other friends from a party out of town.He knew they were intoxicated and couldn’t drive, so he wanted to be safe and pick them up. The drive was around 30 miles out of town and it was 4 am in the morning, he safely picked them up and was on his way back into town. Having only 10 minutes to get into town, he was hit head on with an oncoming car. The other driver was drunk and had been swerving into the opposite lane. The impact of the hit had killed him and injured the other two will serious injury. One having serious scares and the other having brain damage. She didn’t remember what happened and couldn’t recognize who her family was.When I said anybody who fails a breath test I mean anybody. Adult drivers, teenage drivers, and under aged driver should receive the consequences. With the roads with young drivers just like me, they should know better not to drink because they are under aged. But with teens being per pressured from other people when they go to school parties, they need to think about the consequences. But now-a-days, I know for experience that a lot of young teens drink when they go to parties. Just to fit in or their friends will judge them if they don’t drink.Then that’s when they need to say no and walk away. When young teenagers see that their friends and even their family members driving drunk, they think it is okay if they do it also. Once they do it and don’t get caught, they do it again and again until one day they get caught. Officers take zero tolerance towards underage drunk drivers. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) If the under aged driver consumes only a small amount of alcohol, then the driver is fined and his or her licenses is lost for a year. On 2004, a woman named Judith Gubernikoff was at home taking care of her three sons.She helps her father at a fish market and has to go take a 25 mile drive to go wake up her father in Manhattan where he lived. (Kotb) Neville Wells, a 41 year-old man was drink at a night club. He was a big drinker and always drives home drunk. (Kotb) When he left the night club around 3 am at night, witnesses say that his driving could be compared as a blind person behind the wheel. (Kotb) He has driving a minivan that night, and had hit a parked car in a parking lot. (Kotb) Making the car fly in the air and only thing stopping the car was an iron fence. Kotb) Inside the parked car were Judith and her father where they had to be cut out of the vehicle and rushed to the hospital. (Kotb) Wells, the driver of the minivan was okay with only scratches. (Kotb) The doctors were able to save Judith’s father but could save Judith. (Kotb) The doctor said that the power of the impact of the hit had made Judith’s heart burst like water balloon being poked by a needle. (Kotb) Her husband, Geor ge Gubernikoff was doing research about Wells on his record of DWLs. (Kotb) Well’s first DWL was in 1999 and he gotten a fine. Kotb) His second DWL was in 2000 and lost his license for a year. (Kotb) The night of the accident, the report of the breath test said that his blood level was . 22. (Kotb) Which is 3 times the average legal limit and he had about 15 alcoholic drinks. (Kotb) He didn’t get a fine for this accident, he was sent to prison for 17 years for second degree murder. (Kotb) With adults being legal drivers and legal to drink, they shouldn’t be able to drink and drive at the same time. The story of Judith and Neville shows that adults like Neville, should not have a license and shouldn’t be driving period.Even if he isn’t intoxicated with alcohol, he shouldn’t have the privilege of driving. Showing that Americans around the State don’t care about driving drunk and will just do whatever they want to do. That it can lead to death and serious injuries. If you were to be stopped by a cop and arrested for DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) or DUI (Driving under the Influence), then you will have to pay a big fine of expense determined on your licenses and insurance policy. (â€Å"godui. org†) On one if my resources, this website shows people’s opinion on if you drive drunk you should lose your licenses for a year. Debate. org) 85% of the people agreed and 15% disagreed about the driving drunk. (Debate. org) Some of the 85% people say that they should do better than just take away their license for a year. (Debate. org) Some say that their license should be taken away forever. Debate. org (Debate. org) For the people who disagreed had something else to say. They say that the law are being dramatic about the situation and should not spend so much money on something that is not important. (Debate. org) I highly disagree with his comment about being dramatic and stop spending on something that is not important.I think the law is doing a good job and should spend as much money as they can to stop drunk driving. The law may be being too dramatic about this situation, but in my opinion they are just trying to keep the roads safe and making sure driving drunk is being stopped. The laws in Texas about DWI and DUI are different from other states. In other states, on their first offense they only get a fine. But in Texas, on their first DWI, their licenses are lost for a year and a fine is issued too. (T) The judge in Texas sends the driver to DUI School and has to take class depending on how bad their DWI or DUI is. T) Going to DUI School is the ticket on getting your license back and the bad thing about it is you have to pay for each class. (T) With Texas having stricter laws from each other, drivers will not able to get a fine on their first offence. (roisin) DUI School is not as easy as sitting in a class for seven hours and you can get the hours. You have to sit down with a pr ofessional counselor and answer a few questions about their drinking problems. (â€Å"dwi. com†) Depending on the drunk driver, shows how much meetings you have to attend. (â€Å"dwi. om†) It can be up to 4 meetings up to 90 meetings in 90 days, or 28-day residential treatment program, detoxification, or other medical treatment. (â€Å"dwi. com†) The cost of all the fees and bills you get when you drive drunk you have to pay. (â€Å"dwi. com†) First there is the fine you get for driving drunk. (â€Å"dwi. com†) Then you have to pay an additional insurance coverage before you get your licenses back and that can be a lot of money. (â€Å"dwi. com†) The last fine you have to pay is when the state has to re-issue your driver’s licenses.With all the fees and bills you have to pay, the cost will be higher than a regular traffic accident. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) Drivers are mostly paying for the cost of damages of the r oad, car, or medical bill of the person he or she injured in an accident. (roisin) So what will happen to the person’s vehicle if they were arrested for a DWI? Well there are a lot of things that can happen to the vehicle. First the officer has an interlock device that locks the car so if the person is trying to make a run for it. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) Then the car can ether impounded, confiscated, or sold. â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) With the information I have given you, I hope you agree that drunk drivers should lose their licenses for a year for the safety of others on the road. With innocent people dying from drunk drivers driving on the road, the law should enforce this law around the United States. Work Cited Ballantyne, Coco. â€Å"Roads safer when drunk drivers immediately lose license to kill. .†Science American. Scientific American Inc, 24 2007. Web. 6 Dec 2012. Kotb, Hoda. â€Å"The worst kind of drunk drivers. â⠂¬ NBC news. NBC News. Web. 6 Dec 2012. â€Å"should people who are caught driving drunk lose their licenses for a year?. †godui. org. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"alcohol alert. †Consequences of drunk driving. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"Debate. org. †Society Opinions. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. T, Buddy. â€Å"Alcoholism. about. com. †Penalties for Driving Drunk. Medical Review Board, 28 2012. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"Arrested dor DWI in Texas. †dwi. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 6 Dec 2012. roisin, . â€Å"yahoo. com. †drunk drivers should lose their licenses for life the first time they are caught. N. p. , n. d. Web. 7 Dec 2012. A Paper Essay A Paper Brian Nguyen Austin Community College December 4, 2012 ENGL. 1301 English Composition 1 Should people who are caught driving drunk lose their licenses for a year? I highly agree anyone who drives drunk and fails a sobriety test should lose their licenses for how much alcohol or illegal drugs the driver consumes. (Ballantyne) This should happen because 40% of accidents are caused by drunk drivers. (Ballantyne) This will make the roads safer and would teach the driver a lesson. Studies indicate that since the law has done this, 800 lives have been saved in a year. Ballantyne) With the law doing this, I agree it’s a good idea for the law to do this because it will make me feel safer when I’m driving on the roads. But especially for my parents and family don’t have to worry about me getting in an accident and getting hurt. I think if anybody suspects a drunk driver on the road, they should call the police and report their licenses plate number and location. A nd the cops will take care of the situation and keep the roads safe. Back in fall 2008, my cousin Joe Nguyen was 18 and picking up two of my other friends from a party out of town.He knew they were intoxicated and couldn’t drive, so he wanted to be safe and pick them up. The drive was around 30 miles out of town and it was 4 am in the morning, he safely picked them up and was on his way back into town. Having only 10 minutes to get into town, he was hit head on with an oncoming car. The other driver was drunk and had been swerving into the opposite lane. The impact of the hit had killed him and injured the other two will serious injury. One having serious scares and the other having brain damage. She didn’t remember what happened and couldn’t recognize who her family was.When I said anybody who fails a breath test I mean anybody. Adult drivers, teenage drivers, and under aged driver should receive the consequences. With the roads with young drivers just like me, they should know better not to drink because they are under aged. But with teens being per pressured from other people when they go to school parties, they need to think about the consequences. But now-a-days, I know for experience that a lot of young teens drink when they go to parties. Just to fit in or their friends will judge them if they don’t drink.Then that’s when they need to say no and walk away. When young teenagers see that their friends and even their family members driving drunk, they think it is okay if they do it also. Once they do it and don’t get caught, they do it again and again until one day they get caught. Officers take zero tolerance towards underage drunk drivers. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) If the under aged driver consumes only a small amount of alcohol, then the driver is fined and his or her licenses is lost for a year. On 2004, a woman named Judith Gubernikoff was at home taking care of her three sons.She helps her father at a fish market and has to go take a 25 mile drive to go wake up her father in Manhattan where he lived. (Kotb) Neville Wells, a 41 year-old man was drink at a night club. He was a big drinker and always drives home drunk. (Kotb) When he left the night club around 3 am at night, witnesses say that his driving could be compared as a blind person behind the wheel. (Kotb) He has driving a minivan that night, and had hit a parked car in a parking lot. (Kotb) Making the car fly in the air and only thing stopping the car was an iron fence. Kotb) Inside the parked car were Judith and her father where they had to be cut out of the vehicle and rushed to the hospital. (Kotb) Wells, the driver of the minivan was okay with only scratches. (Kotb) The doctors were able to save Judith’s father but could save Judith. (Kotb) The doctor said that the power of the impact of the hit had made Judith’s heart burst like water balloon being poked by a needle. (Kotb) Her husband, Geor ge Gubernikoff was doing research about Wells on his record of DWLs. (Kotb) Well’s first DWL was in 1999 and he gotten a fine. Kotb) His second DWL was in 2000 and lost his license for a year. (Kotb) The night of the accident, the report of the breath test said that his blood level was . 22. (Kotb) Which is 3 times the average legal limit and he had about 15 alcoholic drinks. (Kotb) He didn’t get a fine for this accident, he was sent to prison for 17 years for second degree murder. (Kotb) With adults being legal drivers and legal to drink, they shouldn’t be able to drink and drive at the same time. The story of Judith and Neville shows that adults like Neville, should not have a license and shouldn’t be driving period.Even if he isn’t intoxicated with alcohol, he shouldn’t have the privilege of driving. Showing that Americans around the State don’t care about driving drunk and will just do whatever they want to do. That it can lead to death and serious injuries. If you were to be stopped by a cop and arrested for DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) or DUI (Driving under the Influence), then you will have to pay a big fine of expense determined on your licenses and insurance policy. (â€Å"godui. org†) On one if my resources, this website shows people’s opinion on if you drive drunk you should lose your licenses for a year. Debate. org) 85% of the people agreed and 15% disagreed about the driving drunk. (Debate. org) Some of the 85% people say that they should do better than just take away their license for a year. (Debate. org) Some say that their license should be taken away forever. Debate. org (Debate. org) For the people who disagreed had something else to say. They say that the law are being dramatic about the situation and should not spend so much money on something that is not important. (Debate. org) I highly disagree with his comment about being dramatic and stop spending on something that is not important.I think the law is doing a good job and should spend as much money as they can to stop drunk driving. The law may be being too dramatic about this situation, but in my opinion they are just trying to keep the roads safe and making sure driving drunk is being stopped. The laws in Texas about DWI and DUI are different from other states. In other states, on their first offense they only get a fine. But in Texas, on their first DWI, their licenses are lost for a year and a fine is issued too. (T) The judge in Texas sends the driver to DUI School and has to take class depending on how bad their DWI or DUI is. T) Going to DUI School is the ticket on getting your license back and the bad thing about it is you have to pay for each class. (T) With Texas having stricter laws from each other, drivers will not able to get a fine on their first offence. (roisin) DUI School is not as easy as sitting in a class for seven hours and you can get the hours. You have to sit down with a pr ofessional counselor and answer a few questions about their drinking problems. (â€Å"dwi. com†) Depending on the drunk driver, shows how much meetings you have to attend. (â€Å"dwi. om†) It can be up to 4 meetings up to 90 meetings in 90 days, or 28-day residential treatment program, detoxification, or other medical treatment. (â€Å"dwi. com†) The cost of all the fees and bills you get when you drive drunk you have to pay. (â€Å"dwi. com†) First there is the fine you get for driving drunk. (â€Å"dwi. com†) Then you have to pay an additional insurance coverage before you get your licenses back and that can be a lot of money. (â€Å"dwi. com†) The last fine you have to pay is when the state has to re-issue your driver’s licenses.With all the fees and bills you have to pay, the cost will be higher than a regular traffic accident. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) Drivers are mostly paying for the cost of damages of the r oad, car, or medical bill of the person he or she injured in an accident. (roisin) So what will happen to the person’s vehicle if they were arrested for a DWI? Well there are a lot of things that can happen to the vehicle. First the officer has an interlock device that locks the car so if the person is trying to make a run for it. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) Then the car can ether impounded, confiscated, or sold. â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) With the information I have given you, I hope you agree that drunk drivers should lose their licenses for a year for the safety of others on the road. With innocent people dying from drunk drivers driving on the road, the law should enforce this law around the United States. Work Cited Ballantyne, Coco. â€Å"Roads safer when drunk drivers immediately lose license to kill. .†Science American. Scientific American Inc, 24 2007. Web. 6 Dec 2012. Kotb, Hoda. â€Å"The worst kind of drunk drivers. â⠂¬ NBC news. NBC News. Web. 6 Dec 2012. â€Å"should people who are caught driving drunk lose their licenses for a year?. †godui. org. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"alcohol alert. †Consequences of drunk driving. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"Debate. org. †Society Opinions. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. T, Buddy. â€Å"Alcoholism. about. com. †Penalties for Driving Drunk. Medical Review Board, 28 2012. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"Arrested dor DWI in Texas. †dwi. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 6 Dec 2012. roisin, . â€Å"yahoo. com. †drunk drivers should lose their licenses for life the first time they are caught. N. p. , n. d. Web. 7 Dec 2012.
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